MT4/MT5 Liquidity Bridge

MT4/MT5 Liquidity Bridge is a centralized technology made to maintain the risk level while trading. This bridge is the connector between trade terminal and the Trade Hub.

We give proficient tools and that empowers brokers of all sizes to oversee risk and turn out to be more profitable.

This inventive framework was composed by risk managers and traders. It interfaces brokers to their preferred liquidity providers and permits risk managers to oversee different books of business precisely how they require. It highlights build-in algorithmic hedging and risk administration instruments intended for all organization sizes.

* A completely customizable, feature-rich, multi-screen trade-station,

* A completely customizable, feature-rich, multi-screen trade-station,A comprehensive management and compliance reporting system,

* A suite of powerful pricing, risk management, and analysis tools and Streaming multi-bank best bid/best offer options pricing and execution